Ketamine Eligibility, Insurance, and More

You’ve got the ketamine basics down and want to see if it might be right for you. Explore the resources below to learn more.

Who Ketamine Might Be For

Ketamine and/or ketamine-assisted therapies could be an effective treatment option for individuals experiencing various mental health problems. These include:
Of course, not everyone who experiences these mental illnesses are good candidates for ketamine. In addition, people who don’t have these conditions may still benefit from ketamine. Regardless, it's important to discuss this with your physician or a ketamine clinician to determine if ketamine is right for you.

Who Ketamine Might Not  Be For

Unlike the list of criteria that may qualify someone for ketamine, individuals who fall into any of these categories should not partake in ketamine or ketamine-assisted therapies.
As with every medical treatment, there may be exceptions to these rules. Speak with your physician or a ketamine provider to learn more information specific to your situation.

looks like ketamine might work for me

That’s the first step! You will need to speak with a licensed medical professional to be formally evaluated.

Bring your questionnaire results with you as these will address many of the questions they will have.You'll also need to consider the cost, with or without insurance, as well as find a provider. Read our next sections to learn more!

ketamine might not work with me

We know you might be interested in the prospect of ketamine therapy, but you may be ineligible for one or more reasons.

Despite this, it's important you still find the type of treatment that is right for you. If you are already seeing a licensed medical professional, talk with them to learn more about your options moving forward.

Generic Ketamine (IV, IM, and Oral/Sublingual)

In most cases, generic ketamine is not covered by insurance for psychiatric applications. This is largely because when generic ketamine is used for psychiatric purposes, it’s called “off-label”, since it was originally approved by the FDA as an anesthetic.

Some plans may cover generic ketamine if your provider files a letter of exception and the insurance company approves the exception. This is not common nor guaranteed. Since insurance typically does not cover generic ketamine treatments, the full cost of treatment often falls to the patient..

Esketamine (Spravato™️)

Spravato™️, Johnson & Johnson’s nasal esketamine spray, is covered by most major insurance companies, including Medicare, when the patient meets the required criteria.

Unlike generic ketamine, the FDA approved Spravato™️ for use in patients with treatment resistant depression and major depressive disorder with suicidal ideations.

InsInsurance plans require that you meet several criteria for a Spravato™️ treatment to be eligible for coverage including:

  • Having a diagnosis of major depressive disorder
  • Having tried at least 2 antidepressants without success
  • Not having any of the contraindicated medical conditions for safe use of Spravato™️

Plans’ coverage criteria must meet the minimum FDA requirements, though they reserve the right to include additional requirements. This includes requiring prior authorization from the plan before receiving services. Prior authorizations can take 2+ weeks to be processed by the plan, so unfortunately patience is often required!

How much the plan covers depends on your plan, the benefit structure, and whether your provider is in-network with your insurance plan. Some insurance plans treat Spravato™️ as a medical drug, which is covered under your medical benefit while others consider it a specialty drug, which is covered through your pharmacy benefit.

How your plan treats Spravato™️ coverage will determine your share of cost for the treatments, along with other factors such as your plan design and whether you’ve met your deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.

Billing Codes

If you want to get an estimate for how much your plan will cover, you can try checking some of the codes that are typically billed for these treatments. The specific codes that are ultimately used will depend on how you provider bills but this can be a helpful start.

Commonly used Spravato codes:

  • G2082 or G2082
  • S0013

For more information on specifics on how Spravato communicates about insurance coverage, coding, and reimbursement, you can review the material they’ve provided.

ASKP3 Directory

The American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists, and Practitioners (ASKP3) maintains a list of their members where you can search for ketamine providers.
ASKP3 Directory

Spravato™️ Finder

Johnson & Johnson maintain a directory of registered Spravato™️ providers that you can search and see if one is in your area.
Spravato™️ Finder

Talk with your Doctor

If you have a mental health provider who you are actively working with, you can ask them for more information or a referral to a ketamine provider.

Still Looking for Help?

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Ready for Treatment?

Continue reading to learn more about what you can do to prepare for your first treatment as well as what to expect during your treatment.

Beginning Ketamine Treatment